Matt Walsh’s conservative, contemporary, and poignant insights have rocked the blogosphere making him one of the most sought-after conservative voices today, and one of the most hated by the liberal left. His witty, tough, and often sarcastic commentary points a bright spotlight on today’s most important topics. Matt is not afraid to speak truth or expose the blatant hypocrisy of the incomprehensible left. He leaves no topics unturned no matter how “taboo” or “politically incorrect” our culture might see them, and he is a great champion for the culture of life while showing the depravity of the culture of death. Matt joins us again this year as a Bringing America Back to Life gala dinner presenter to share more of his wisdom- helping to arm us in the moral, political, and spiritual battles of this age. You can find a sampling of his articles on You will not want to miss his cutting-edge presentation.