Dr. Alan Keyes is an American conservative political activist, pundit, author, former ambassador to the UN, past presidential candidate for the United States, husband and father. His stated purpose in life, like that of the America’s Founders, is to provide a secure future for our children and our posterity. Alan Keyes is an unparalleled leader among moral conservatives. His Harvard University Doctorate in Government with its emphasis on our Constitution, his extensive experience in American government, along with his great faith in Almighty God’s part in the founding of that government enable him to provide a cogent defense of morality in America! Ambassador Keyes has unashamedly and consistently raised the standard of unalienable rights and Biblical truth in defense of our unborn. He confronts the culture of death with compelling and inspiring reasons why abortion must be banned from our land, and speaks in all parts of our country in an attempt to educate those unaware of the threat to the very existence of the United States. He boldly speaks to bolster the troops who already work hard in the trenches to end this scourge!
Listen to the broadcast of this presentation on our “From The Median” Radio Program.