Dan Becker is founder and president of Personhood Alliance. Under Becker’s leadership, Georgia has become the national vanguard in the Personhood movement. In the 2012 elections, Personhood won 98.7% of all endorsed candidates—the highest on record for Georgia Right To Life—proving that the Georgia model continues to return unequaled empirical results in the field of political action. More than a decade ago GRTL changed its criteria for endorsing political candidates and refused endorsements for “prolife” politicians who had “exceptions to the rule.” Since this time, Georgia has been electing more Personhood (prolife without exceptions) politicians than any other state! Becker’s clear, concise, and compelling defense of life is seen in his recent book: Personhood, A Pragmatic Guide to Prolife Victory in the 21st Century and the Return to First Principles in Politics.
Dan Becker’s joint presentation with Sarah Quale: “Practical Pro-Life Philosophy: Ideas, Consequences, and a Principled Way Forward” is available below: