Chances are you are a survivor of the Sexual Revolution and you may or may not even know it. Are you a child of divorce, a child of unmarried parents, a reluctantly divorced person, a heartbroken career woman, a post-abortive woman or man, a donor conceived person, a refugee from the hook-up culture? Even if you are none of these, then you probably know many people who are. Dr. Morse, founder of the Ruth Institute, has a mission to identify victims of the Sexual Revolution and to help the survivors overcome. Most of us have spent a majority of our lives living in the Sexual Revolution and its aftermath. This so-called “liberating” movement has enslaved us and contributed to the breakdown of the family. The Sexual Revolution has mainstreamed divorce, hook-up culture, pornography, abortion, and so much more. Come to this year’s 2020 Bringing America Back to Life Convention to hear Dr. Morse explain the Sexual Revolution–its causes, its aftereffects, and how we can overcome!