RTLACO Workshop – Join The Choir!
Want to make a difference, but don’t know where to start? Join the Choir! Come learn how to make an impact in our villages, cities, states, and the nation. Margie Christie will “Teach the ProLife Choir to Sing!”
Margie Christie is the Executive Director of Dayton Right to Life and in 2017 she joined the executive directors of Toledo, Cincinnati, and Cleveland Right to Life groups to form the Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio (RTLACO), the state’s fastest growing pro-life advocacy group. She is currently on the RTLACO Board and is a past president for the organization.
Margie has plenty of experience effecting change in her community and at large. She has helped to draft several pieces of pro-life legislation and has provided testimony on many pieces of state legislation to protect the unborn and other vulnerable members of our community. She is also a member of the CAANE (Collaboration Against Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation), a multi-disciplinary team in Montgomery County, OH focused on elder abuse issues.
Click here to hear a “From The Median” interview with Margie about her presentation.
Then come on Friday to this year’s Bringing America Back to Life Convention to hear her in person.