Reggie Littlejohn is a true warrior for women’s rights. She knows that the real war on women begins while they are in the womb and does not end there. Reggie’s organization, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, has a campaign called “Save a Girl,” which helps end gendercide, forced abortion, grinding poverty, and other abuses of women and girls in China. The “Save a Girl” campaign helps mothers who are feeling pressure or are being forced to abort on the sole basis that their unborn child is female. “Save a Girl” helps families stand against the cultural tide of son-preference. Local fieldworkers give families monthly stipends to provide for their new baby girl and reassure them that girls have just as much worth as boys.
Read one baby’s story here and see how “Save a Girl” is making a difference all over China, where forced abortions occur millions of times each year.
And don’t miss Reggie’s presentation, “Why is Gendercide the “Real” War on Women?” Saturday, March 7th at 10:30-11:30am!