Molly Smith is the President of Cleveland Right to Life and the Chair of Bringing America Back to Life, the nation’s largest prolife convention. She has extensive experience in the not-for profit world gained in Canada and the United States. She is the host of a weeknight radio program “From the Median” aired in Northeast Ohio and Detroit Michigan. She has served on numerous and diverse national non-profit boards such as the Catholic School Board of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada, the National Pro-Family Canadian organization REAL Women and Personhood Alliance; a national organization that promotes human life according to the Imago Dei. She was an advisor during the formation of the National Lawyers Association. She spearheaded the formation of the grassroots statewide Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio and is currently the immediate Past-President. Molly’s vision and leadership has strengthened the rights of all human life from conception to natural death throughout Ohio and beyond.
Molly lives in Cleveland, Ohio with her husband of 49 years and they have 5 married children, and 21 grandchildren