Jennifer Christie is a wife, mother of 5, pro-life blogger, and pro-life speaker for SaveThe1. Jennifer’s story Raped While on a Business Trip – My Husband and I Chose Life! went viral after it was published on, in Live Action, Lifenews, and LifeSiteNews, along with various other publications, with over 1 million shares to Facebook. It’s been translated into many other languages and has appeared across the globe. Readers were touched by her fierce protection of the life of her innocent son, as well as her husband’s loving response upon learning she was pregnant from the brutal rape.
She wrote a follow-up story, Raped, Married and Pregnant: When People Said We Shouldn’t Have You, We Loved You Louder, and her husband Jeff also wrote out their story from his own perspective: My Wife and I Both Saw This Baby As Something Beautiful Coming From Such Evil. The latest update of her story — with the rapist-murderer having been killed is My Son Was Never a “Rapist’s Baby” or “Product of Rape” – He’s My Child.
Jennifer Christie’s Presentation “Loving Louder: The Unexpected Gift of a Child from Rape” is available below: