Bradley Hahn is currently the chief executive officer of Solidarity HealthShare. He is a deeply committed Catholic who helped found Solidarity HealthShare as a means for Catholic Americans to have an ethical and affordable way to pay for medical care costs. Bradley is a Phoenix-based attorney who regularly consults on end-of-life issues as they relate to Catholic social doctrine. He assists in a variety of Arizona Catholic charities, including the Catholic Community Foundation for the Diocese of Phoenix. He speaks at churches and conferences throughout the U.S. on religious liberty, conscience issues as they relate to health care, and other bioethical decision-making issues important to the Catholic faith. Bradley is a member of the Arizona State Bar, the Canon Law Society of America, the Catholic Medical Association, and is an Allied Attorney for the Alliance Defending Freedom.
Bradley received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Arizona and his Juris Doctorate from Gonzaga University School of Law. He has also received a certification in bioethics from the National Catholic Bioethics Center. He is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force as well as the Arizona and Washington Air National Guard. He is an active member in the ministries of St. Timothy Catholic Church in Mesa, Arizona, where he has previously served as Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council and is a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is also a Canon Law Advocate in the Diocese of Phoenix Tribunal for Marriage Nullity Cases. Bradley is married with two children and currently in private practice in Arizona.
The presentation made by Bradley Hahn & Chris: “Restoring Faith and Freedom in Health Care – The Time is NOW!” is available below: