Wesley Smith is often asked to give interviews to students, but he has never before been asked how he thinks Jack Kevorkian will be viewed through an historical lens. In a web exclusive for First Things in January, Smith lays out a thoughtful analysis of Kevorkian’s influence. Time will surely tell how people will come to know of the infamous acts Kevorkian committed in the 1990s. We can only hope that Kevorkian’s legacy will have no lasting historical significance, but in a society increasingly terrified of pain, avoidance of suffering has become paramount. And whatever is viewed as a priority, must then be considered a “right.” This is where the slippery slope begins. Contrary to what most people believe and what assisted suicide proponents would have you think, this is not an issue about terminally ill patients. After all more than 70% of Kevorkian’s patients were not terminally ill. Ultimately, the values that we instill and the society that we create today will determine how we look back and view Kevorkian.
Read Wesley Smith’s complete article from First Things here:
And definitely come hear Wesley’s keynote breakfast presentation on Friday, March 6th! You will not want to miss his talk entitled, “Eugenics: The Danger of Undignified Bioethics.”