Matt Walsh: Saturday Dinner Keynote!
Fresh off his suspension from Twitter for having the audacity to declare that biological males are, in fact, men, conservative blogger and podcaster Matt Walsh
Fresh off his suspension from Twitter for having the audacity to declare that biological males are, in fact, men, conservative blogger and podcaster Matt Walsh
Fresh off his suspension from Twitter for having the audacity to declare that biological males are, in fact, men, conservative blogger and podcaster Matt Walsh
Matt Walsh is a writer, speaker, author, and one of the religious Right’s most influential young voices. He is known for boldly tackling the tough
Maria Polaris is the Ohio Leader, Parents of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoric Kids. Maria was born and raised in Ohio as a conservative Catholic and
“Understanding & Responding to Our Transgender Moment” The current transgender movement has the world reeling and asking the question, “What’s next?” Have you ever wondered
Dr. Ryan T. Anderson is the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation, as well as
Come hear Ryan T. Anderson break down, dissect, and dismantle the current transgender issue at this year’s 2019 Bringing America Back to Life Convention. Anderson
Walter Heyer: “Rethinking Transgenderism” When you think about some of the most troublesome issues in our day and age, transgenderism seems to be everywhere in
Former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change: “Rethinking Transgenderism” Walter will round out the day as the evening keynote speaker,
Walt Heyer is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change. An accomplished speaker, Walt travels extensively to share his
Watch this short video to see why the Convention has become a national event.
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