Phil Burress speaking at the 2010 Bringing America Back to Life Symposium about Grassroots action and Community Values: First Amendment Rights Advocacy; Christian Values and Moral Limit: Protecting Christian Pro-Life values for our families and children. From Volunteer to President: In the early days of the organization, Citizens for Community Values (CCV) relied heavily on volunteers -—not just for grassroots activism, but even for routine office work. One of the earliest volunteers, willing to help in any capacity, was a young independent businessman, Phil Burress.
Click here to listen to Phill Burress
Phil’s zeal for the mission of CCV stemmed from his personal experience and gratitude. Just a few years earlier, Phil committed his life to Christ, and in doing so turned away from a 25-year addiction to pornography. Phil knew firsthand what a devastating affect pornography could have on an individual and his family. And he was determined to do whatever he could to prevent others from experiencing such devastation.
Burress’ background seemed to uniquely qualify him for pro-family activism. During his years as a union chairman, he had developed strong team-building and negotiating skills. As an independent businessman, he had learned to stretch his resources. From willing volunteer he progressed to a member of the Board of Directors, and then through several staff positions. in 1991, he became president of CCV, the position which he still holds.
Today, Phil is recognized nationally as one of the most effective leaders in the pro-family movement. Much in demand as a seminar facilitator and speaker, Phil travels extensively to share his expertise with communities across the nation, especially in the area of curbing the harmful effects of sexually oriented businesses. CCV’s successful campaigns have distinguished Phil as a national spokesperson for the family, and he has appeared on numerous talk shows, including World News Tonight, Larry King Live, MSNBC, Good Morning America, CNBC & Fox News.
In a 2002 Cincinnati Enquirer article Mr. Burress explains his passion for his work. Burress is a former Union Negotiator, a skill he brings with him to unite and motivate the pro-life/pro-family groups around Ohio into a formidable force which stand ready to defend and protect the Christian Values which have made America the great nation it is.
Besides his leadership role with CCV, Phil sits on the Focus on the Family and Family Research Council board of directors.