Marty is the new Thursday night host of Cleveland’s own pro-life, pro-family broadcast, From the Median. From the Median broadcasts interviews and news from the “front lines” of the pro-life movement in Ohio, Michigan, and Virginia in the greater Cleveland, Detroit, and Richmond metropolitan areas.
Marty is a retired high school Theology teacher with an M.A. in Religious Education. He writes a monthly column for, gives talks throughout the Diocese of Cleveland, and is Vice President of the Board of Directors of L’Arche Cleveland. He and his wife have been married since 1977 and have four children and a growing number of grandchildren.
Marty Dybicz’ Presentation “Practical Personhood: Being a Human Being: The Meaning of Human Nature and Personhood for a Meaningful Life” is available below:
Listen to the broadcast of this presentation on our “From The Median” Radio Program.