Dr. Donna Harrison will be presenting a workshop at this year’s Bringing America Back to Life Convention entitled “Contraception from the Embryo’s Point of View.” Dr. Harrison is the Executive Director of AAPLOG (American Association of ProLife Obstetricians & Gynecologists)–the world’s largest organization of pro-life obstetricians and gynecologists. Dr. Harrison is a board certified OB/GYN and the author of numerous published research-based articles on medical abortion including the adverse events associated with RU-486. A recognized expert, she teaches continuing education for physicians on complications of abortion and RU-486. Dr. Harrison has testified before numerous governmental bodies including the FDA, the Senate, and Congressional House Committees. She has even addressed a UN Women’s Conference on “Abortion in Resource-Limited Areas: The Consequences of Introducing Medical Abortion in Areas with Limited Health Care Infrastructure.” Family Research Council continues to use her presentation on their online university.
Come hear Dr. Harrison at this year’s Convention 10:30-11:30 on Friday, March 6th.
To view Dr. Harrison’s UN Women’s Conference presentation click here.