Valerie Huber, Executive Director of the National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA), speaking at the 2012 Bringing America Back to Life Symposium on: “”Abstinence Education: The Optimal Strategy for Teen Sexual Health”. NAEA is a Washington, DC-based professional association that supports abstinence education as the optimal strategy for teen sexual health.
Huber previously served as the Title V Abstinence Education Coordinator for the state of Ohio, where she provided oversight and grant awards to community abstinence programs serving over 100,000 students per year. Huber also founded and directed a non-profit organization during the late 1990’s that promoted character building and abstinence education in school districts across two counties of Ohio.
Huber is a frequent spokesperson for teen sexual health and has been interviewed hundreds of times by prominent print, radio, and television outlets. She is an expert on the history of sex education as well as on the public policy that has influenced how sex education is taught in communities across the nation.
Recently, she has been speaking out against the federal decision to cut all funding for abstinence education in schools. Huber fights to reveal the irrationality of the administration’s decision by proving with scientific evidence the positive effect abstinence has on the economy and social structure of our country.